Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Good things...

Scribes began two and a half years ago as a source of inspiration and encouragement to three (and, a little later, four) unpublished writers. Since then two of us have made it, India Grey, who writes for Mills & Boon Modern Romance, and Bronwyn Storm, who writes primarily for The Wild Rose Press. Two out of four, that ain't half bad!

As for Annie and Eva, we've moved on to other things but have plans to return full-time to writing in the future. Both of us have enjoyed success and don't intend to stop now. Our time will come—just you wait.

This post, and Brown's below, mark the end of an era. We will no longer be regularly updating this blog. However, don't worry, we're not taking it down. You can come here as often as you like and search our archives for inspiration, advice, and humour. Feel free to visit us anytime you please: to ponder the mystery of Annie's true identity (for those who haven't guessed), to read of the powers of India's lucky mug or to learn of Eva's penchant for scouring university campuses in search of heroes for her historicals, and/or to fully appreciate the generous spirit of Brown who has been a great source of support both as a regular visitor to the blog and (a little later) as an equally regular contributor.

Finally, this post is dedicated to the woman who brought us together. India calls her a real-life fairy godmother and she is certainly that. We must thank Penny Jordan for introducing us to each other: India, Annie and myself at writerly gatherings held in her sumptuous home in Cheshire, and Brown back in Canada via email. Thanks a million, Penny!

Thanks, too, to my fellow scribes. It's been a blast.

Good things don't come to an end...they evolve and, with a little luck (and an equal measure, if not more, of effort) surpass our wildest expectations.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goodness, I'm feeling quite weepy about the whole thing. *sniff* *sniff*, love you guys!

4:03 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

So elegantly put, Eva (get back to that writing asap, please). In some ways it seems like moments since we first started this ('A blog?? What's that? How do you make it work?') and in other ways it feels like several lifetimes as such a lot has happened. It's been great to share the journey.

And my heartfelt thanks to Penny too-- our gorgeous, glamorous, generous fairy godmother. xx

8:34 pm  

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