Monday, April 28, 2008

On the bookshelf

The 13th Tale coverIt gladdens one's heart when a first-time writer produces a thoroughly engaging piece of work. I had a hard time putting down Diane Setterfield's The Thirteenth Tale, a mesmerizing story with all the gothic allure of a nineteenth-century novel, with none of the plodding and not a single unbelievable plot twist. Everything fit together in the end like an intricate puzzle. Rare is it these days for me to shelve a book with such a feeling of satisfied loss, for as much as I shall miss the characters I know that they are at peace and have no need to enter my life again, save during moments of introspection.

This is a perfect book for those who love books, ghost stories in particular —The Turn of the Screw leapt to mind numerous times — and a well-turned phrase.

P.S. The website for the book is the coolest. Be sure to check it out:

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Blogger Unknown said...

Oooh-- I have this in my tbr pile... somewhere in the lower strata, about 5 miles below the summit. Must excavate it and read! Thanks Eva! xx

9:44 am  
Blogger Susan Rix said...

Uh oh, I've done it again. Sshh...I've added to my toppling TBR shelves. When Gray finds out I'll send him over so he can see why I was so easily led.

I've missed you all, I will endeavour to get back before Christmas - that is if You Know Who ever lets me out again... ;-)

Love to you all,
Sue :-)

11:35 am  
Blogger Eva said...

Welcome back, Sue! We've missed you.

Always a pleasure to influence your TBR piles, towering, subterranean or otherwise.

4:26 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you know, I read this story months ago...and sadly, all I can remember is she had a stellar talent for description. I didn't realize she was a first-time writer. That makes her success even sweeter, I think!

6:37 pm  

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